Sunday, January 7, 2018

WIPocalypse 2018 - Introduction & Goals

Hi Stitchy Friends!

I have joined a new group on facebook called WIPocalypse which is basically a group to help encourage and motivate you to work on your WIPS, especially those older ones that have been hanging around for awhile. This will be my post to share the WIPS I currently have and where they stand as my starting point for the year. I will also be listing my goals for each piece. I currently have 20 WIPS, with most of these being larger BAP pieces since I seem to be drawn to those!

Before I show my WIPS I thought I would share a little about my stitching time and rotation that I plan on trying for 2018, or at least the beginning to see how it works for me. I work overnight shifts as a 911 Dispatcher at a Police Department. We are allowed to bring things to do in our down time between calls so I bring cross stitch and work on some of my pieces there. I have decided that I will continue to rotate through 4 of my Heaven and Earth Designs pieces but at the beginning of each month I thought I would take some smalls and get those done first. I want to do a Christmas or Halloween ornament each month and also my Country Cottage Needleworks Cottage of the Month series. So I thought the first week to week and a half of each month, depending on stitchy time, I would do those first then go back to my HAED rotation.

At home, my stitching time is not as much as I can do at work which seems odd! I have a crappy schedule working overnights which means I sleep during the day, try and get up by 4pm and then have to do all the house hold stuff, like make supper, chores, errands all that fun stuff before getting ready to work. So most weeks my only actual stitching time at home is on my days off. I started doing a time based rotation at home pulling random wips and working on them for 10 hours approx. before switching. That seems to work really well for me since my stitching time is sporadic so I thought I would stick with that for my home rotation. I do plan on modifying it just a tad though...I decided that I would make some goal based progress also. So I will work on my designated wip for approx. 10 hours or if I am close to finishing a section or character or whatever the case might be, I may extend that 10 hours to finish an area.

Now on to the good current WIPS and my goals for each piece.

2015 Starts:

WIP #1: New Girl 3 by Bec Winnel charted by Heaven and Earth Designs (one of my work wips) I currently have 4 pages complete on this one.

Goal for 2018: Complete 2 more pages on this one.

2016 Starts: 

WIP #2: Cozy Cub by Dimensions

Goal for 2018: Finish this one

WIP #3: Dog Double Shelf by Randal Spangler charted by Heaven and Earth Designs (one of my work wips) currently working on the first 4 pages.

Goal for 2018: Finish the first 3 pages

WIP #4: Durene Jones Lakeside Needlecrafts Fantasy SAL 

Goal for 2018: Complete 3 more characters and the top 1/3 of the border

WIP #5: Eat my Dust Dimensions Gold Collection Kit - I started this for Stitch Maynia on the kit fabric which is a 16 count Aida. I am not sure I like it though. I am contemplating re-starting this on a different fabric.

Goal for 2018: Decide on fabric and if I am going to restart it. Want to work on this at least 2 rotations in 2018.

WIP #6: Witzy Cute Christmas Card Kit (freebie from a magazine)

Goal for 2018: Finish it

WIP #7: Heavens Little Angel by Katerina Koukiotis by Heaven and Earth Designs (one of my work wips)

Goal for 2018: Finish pages 1 & 2

WIP #8: November Quilt by Paula Vaughan from the "A Quilt For All Seasons" booklet

Goal for 2018: Finish it

WIP #9: Sea Pearl by Maxine Gadd from Mystic Stitch - I started this on a 25 count fabric doing it 2 over 1. The coverage is awesome however it is a little tight. I am concerned that when I get in to the confetti areas that it may be a nightmare. I am contemplating re-starting this on a different fabric.

Goal for 2018: Decide if I am going to restart this and if so choose a new fabric. I would like to complete 2 rotations on this one.

WIP #10: Seasons in Chalk Art Winter by Priscilla Blain charted by Hands on Design. Was in a Just Cross Stitch Magazine.

Goal for 2018: Finish it

WIP #11: Darth Vader Sugar Skull by StitchLine on Etsy

Goal for 2018: Finish it

WIP #12: The Fortunate Traveler by Teresa Wentzler

Goal for 2018: Complete top half of this

WIP #13: Winter Bell Bull by Stoney Creek

Goal for 2018: Complete the letter "W"

2017 Starts:

WIP #14: Dreamer Max Colors by Nadia Strelkina by Heaven and Earth Designs (one of my work wips)

Goal for 2018: Finish page 1

WIP #15: Forest Snowfall by Country Cottage Needleworks

Goal for 2018: Finish it

WIP #16: Giants of the Plains Elephants by Jayne Netley Mayhew from the Safari Book

Goal for 2018: Complete half

WIP #17: King Coda Story Teller Max Colors Super Size Version by Aimee Stewart charted by Heaven and Earth Designs - Have 1 and a half pages complete

Goal for 2018: Finish page 2 and do 3 additional pages

WIP #18: Red Birds by Marie Barber from Just Cross Stitch Magazine issue Nov/Dec 2001

Goal for 2018: Complete Half

2018 Starts:

WIP #19: February Cottage of the Month from Country Cottage Needleworks

Goal for 2018: Finish it

Wip #20: Shih Tzu for Christmas Stocking by Dona Gelsinger charted by Heaven and Earth Designs

Goal for 2018: Get the Top row finished

Those are all my current cross stitch WIPS! See... loads of BAPS because I just can't help myself! :)

I do have some other goals and new starts planned for 2018. I want to;

Start a Mirabilia
Start a Joan Elliott
Complete 1 Christmas and 1 Halloween Ornament each month
Complete the Cottage of the Month Series from Country Cottage Needleworks
Do more Seasonal and Holiday pieces.

I also would like to start doing my own Floss Tube videos (super nervous about it and technology challenged)

I would also like to try and do some more SALS but it is hard with my stitching time being so wonky.

And lastly... I am doing Stitch from Stash also so I hope to be able to stay in the positive for a change!! LOL!

I think these plans should keep me pretty busy! I look forward to participating in this year's WIPocalypse and seeing everyone's progress and WIPS!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Whew, you are working on some big beautiful projects! I love the Darth Vader piece.

  2. You have a lot of gorgeous pieces going. Good luck reaching your goals!


Thank you for your comments!