Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Start & a Finish - Mill Hill Festival Friends Santa by Jim Shore

Hi Stitchy Friends!

When I first found floss tube about two years ago I was watching one of Carolyn Mazzeo's amazing videos and she talked about how every year on her Dad's birthday she would stitch a Christmas Ornament in his memory for her tree. I had recently lost my Grandma when I saw that one and thought it was a beautiful way to honor your loved ones when they are no longer with you. So I decided that I would stitch an ornament for both my Grandma and Grandpa each year.

This year I decided to stitch a Mill Hill Kit for each of their ornaments and I wanted ones that had cardinals on them since they say that when you see a cardinal it is a loved one from heaven making a visit to you. I just finished my Grandpa's ornament a few days ago so I thought I would share that one with you. I stitched the Mill Hill Festival Friends Santa by Jim Shore for Grandpa's ornament. I started this one August 17th ad finished it on August 25th. It turned out beautiful and had about a million beads! I think there were more beads than cross stitches so it is super sparkly and pretty in person :)

The needleminder I chose for this project is from Nifty Needle Nannies on Facebook. When I saw this one I had to get it because this was Grandpa's favorite saying to us kids whenever we got impatient about something :)

Here are some progression pictures:

This was a fun stitch and turned out so pretty. I still need to fully finish it so I will post a picture of that once it is finished completely! 

I think that doing this every year is a wonderful way to let Grandma and Grandpa know that we still think of them everyday and around the holidays when we miss them even more, this is a way to still make them a part of our family get togethers.

Thanks for stopping by today and happy stitching! 

Design Details:
Name: Festival Friends Santa by Jim Shore - Mill Hill Kit 
Fabric: 14 count perforated paper
Stitched: As charted in the kit
STARTED: August 17th, 2017
FINISHED: August 25th, 2017
Needleminder - Nifty Needle Nannies


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